Want change? Pray

The world is a mess. We know that. We don’t even need social media sites admitting they are working to tear us apart to know that. We can talk to our friends and quickly realize there are more topics off limits than ever. We cannot discuss politics or religion or healthcare or employment.

I don’t care for life as it is. I am tired of people being angry. I am tired of having to pass this person’s test of proper thought or that person’s. We were not meant to live in segregated worlds where those who believe in one thing cannot speak to those who believe differently. We are meant to live in community. We are meant to have conversations that cause us to carefully consider what we believe. If at the end  of the conversation we still understand things differently, that’s ok. We have spoken to one another and learned from the life of another. When we refuse to converse with people who see things differently, we lose the ability to grow in wisdom.

James was well known for his wisdom. His letter in the New Testament is full of practical advice for believers. He said that the prayer of the righteous person “availeth much”. God hears our prayers. God responds to our prayers. If we want the world to change, then we must pray.  Pray that God’s amazing love would be known by all people. Pray that our hearts would be soft and wiling to hear opposing opinions. Pray that the walls we have constructed between ourselves would be lowered so we can hear the voices of others who pray as well. Perhaps by praying together we will hear the voice of God in response.

(Published in the Parsons Sun, Oct 14, 2021)


Welcoming Fall

