Fathers of our Church
First Presbyterian Parsons began 150 years ago. The stories that are told of men who molded this congregation are intriguing. These are men who were faithful and serious. Men who were devoted to making sure the word of God was rightly preached and the sacraments were properly ordered.
This congregation has a remarkable history which we will be exploring further. For the next few weeks, we will be introduced to some of the men who made the history, culminating on Father’s Day.
We delve into this rich history as we look toward a future which is uncertain but holds great promise. We are doing church differently these days but it is thanks to the fathers of our faith that we are well grounded in Christ.
I hope you will join us on Sunday morning either in person or on line. If you can’t make it at 11 am, you can catch up on Facebook. The sermon is posted on Thursday and our choir’s anthem is broadcast there on Tuesday.