Practical Faith

The past year and a half has been challenging. Covid-19 and the quarantine shook the foundations of our society. At times when the world is so uncertain, it is important to rely on our faith in Jesus. But how do we grow our faith?

One way we grow in our faith and relationship with God through Jesus is by working on spiritual disciplines. These are simple methods of prayer or daily activities.

Each Sunday during the summer I will introduce a spiritual discipline in worship on Sunday. There will be a card for you to take home. You will be encouraged to try the discipline for the week. On Thursday, you will find an update regarding the discipline here.

If you like it, keep using it. If it isn't for you, maybe the next one will be.

I hope that by the end of the summer you will have a "tool box" full of ways to grow closer to God in times of distress or unease.

I hope we will see you Sunday. If you aren't able to come to worship, the spiritual discipline aids will be available from the office.




Morning Worship


Fathers of our Church